Thursday 11 November 2010

Days 7 - 11... I forgot myself

Sorry - no blog for a few days - possibly because the penny is dropping and Im slightly less obsessive about what I can and cannot eat.

I have to say the first week was hellish and I was genuinely ready to almost give up on Black Saturday.  Part of that feeling was because it was the first weekend, and somehow I think we all feel like we've earnt  a treat by the weekend's arrival.  X Factor isn't quite the same without a little cheeky glass of wine or a bit of chocolate.  Weekends really are that time when the emotional / lazy eating kicks in.

Since the weekend when the pan fried duck went in the bin (The Punisher was horrified at this)  things have steadily become easier.  My caffeine withdrawal headaches are gone, although I'm still not totally over my relationship with Tetley.  I've definitely got the upper hand with the sweet cravings - they have subsided, even in the midsts of my children devouring Rachel's Organic mini rice puddings and leaving half... which would usually, accidentally fall into my gob.

What I am craving is TASTE.  The food is limited, but do-able, but I really want something like a curry... ideally a Thai green curry.  The other thing I've been craving madly is a cheese and pickle sandwich (ideally on thick white bread... Oops)

But the upside of this self imposed deprivation is that I actually feel better than I have done in a long time.  I have never given up anything for this long, like,ever.  My head is clearer, my energy levels are consistent, I can wake up naturally at 6:30am as opposed to feeling like I've been dragged out of a 7 year coma every time the alarm goes off.  The Mothership is a much steadier vessel without the toxic fuel of sugar and caffeine to power her through the day.

The cherry on top of all of this (although I might add, its not the main objective... honest) is that I have lost 7lbs.  Yes that's right ladies... 7lbs in 11 days.  That's enough to motivate any of us isn't it?

And what's more, The Punisher has said that as of this week, I'm allowed to re-introduce garlic and oranges.  Immense!  The week just gets better and better...

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