Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Day 3...Am I Ketogenic yet?

Since I started this plan I have been reading up on the whole process of Ketosis.(I like to refer to it as either a plan or a detox rather than a diet... as I think the word diet usually has such a negative connotation...i.e they don't work! why bother?.. etc.)

I'm semi-obsessed with becoming Ketogenic as its at this point that your body starts burning the big F.A.T... Most of the time, those of us who eat carbs are fuelling our bodies with sugar type energy, so once we get into ketosis, our bodies starts running on the fat energy which gives a constant energy level, mental clarity and loss of sweet cravings.  Anything that stops my life being ruled by Cake has got to be a positive.

Ive actually brought some 'Ketostix' online so that I can monitor the exact point that it starts - although there can be some other symptoms which can be unpleasant such as loss of appetite (this is seen as a positive by some, but will end up making you not want to eat at all, which will end up making your body eat its own muscles - this the Victoria Beckham look), feeling foggy/spaced out, metallic taste in mouth, and feeling constantly thirsty.

Today has been dare I say it, actually bearable.  Even the session with The Punisher at the gym was pleasant because he didn't make me work out until I feel like I'm going to puke.  I think he even took a little pity on me knowing it was only day 3.  Next week he will be evil...

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