Tuesday 16 November 2010

Days 12 - 16... eating like this feels almost normal.

Well I passed the milestone of a trip to London to see old friends this weekend.  It was mithering to think that we had to deprive ourselves of alcohol and all fun food whilst our friends would be drinking like fish and eating cake and chips at every meal.  Luckily I have amazing friends who were both supportive and considerate when choosing where we should eat out.

Breakfast in the hotel was a very limited choice, but one that was not too difficult.  Scrambled eggs and mushrooms (yes I know they aren't green, but The Punisher said in light of circumstances beyond our control this was just about acceptable).  The rest of the morning buffet was a smorgasbord of slightly dry looking pastries, cured meat and bread, and fruit that had long dropped off the tree to be canned in syrup for two hundred million light years before arriving to the table.  This was understandably easy to avoid.

When eating out in the evening, we did that celebrity favourite of ordering 'off menu'; asking for some kind of meat or fish, without any of the sauce or dressing / carbs etc. and getting a side of salad or greens.  This again proved to be easy, especially somewhere like London.  Its not so easy in a local cafe in Nottingham where the waitress looks at you like you might be demented for not wanting chips.

I have to admit that on both evenings I was initially desperate for a glass of red wine.  I wanted to relax with friends and it was very monotonous to keep drinking mineral water.  BUT, how nice it was to wake refreshed on both mornings.  In hindsight I had no worse a time for not drinking.  I cannot remember the last time I went out socially and didn't drink (apart from being pregnant).  It was probably when I was about 15 or something!  Lessons are being learnt in many ways during this programme.  One being that I really don't need to drink quite so much when we go out.

We returned home victorious.  It was a great feeling to have stuck to our guns and not just though 'oh **** it, we'll just have one....'.

Monday arrived, and I have hit the halfway point.  The Punisher greets us at the gym with good news.  We are allowed to introduce red cabbage, red/yellow peppers and other low GI fruits (50 or less on the glycemic index).  The reality of this plan is that it starts off completely restrictive, and then by week two, the addition of a few extra vegetables and fruits makes ALL the difference at this stage.  Its beyond exciting.

Eating like this has now become normal.  I think about it less and less.  The only tiny craving that plagues me is the thought of a simple cheese sandwich now and again, although somehow I know that the actual eating of it will probably leave me feeling bloated and tired and I don't want to to go back to feeling like that any more.

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