Thursday 4 November 2010

Absent Minded eating... Day 4

Today I have discovered how many times I eat something without actually even thinking what I'm doing.  For example, last night, making the kids tea, I had to catch myself before I just whizzed a chip in my mouth.... then this morning... again, putting houmus out on a plate for G, and almost just had another spoonful for mummy.

Again, at the hairdressers, forgot my plan for a split second and was about to grab for one of those little sickly coffee biscuits that they have in a large bowl..... All these things go un-noticed, and its not always about eating something 'bad' - but just the very concept of automatically eating little things without actually thinking it counts or being 100% aware of what I'm consuming.

I know at this stage, that any little slip means going back to square one.  According to the Ketostix*, I have not yet reached ketosis *sigh*... so I must have shit loads of sugar still rampaging around in my blood that I am managing to live off.

Today started off quite easy... although I did not feel hungry at all at lunchtime but forced myself to start eating last night's left overs.  Before I knew it, again I was tearing through a leg of lamb in some primeval fashion and the more I ate the hungrier I felt.  Strange.  Even more strange for my 4 year old Son who wondered why Mummy was eating her lunch like Captain Caveman. (And not just eating the leftovers from his plate like normal).

Interestingly enough, whilst in the hairdressers, I was reading an article in 'Elle' which likens giving up sugar to giving up heroin.  Possibly a slight exaggeration?  But sugar and heroin both stimulate the same parts of the brain which accounts for the difficulty people face when having to cut it out.

As the day draws to a close I have hit a bit of a brick wall.  I genuinely feel a bit sick of eating meat or fish.  
I really really really really really want a cheese sandwich.

*If you are wondering, Ketostix are what the Dr uses to test your wee wee (especially when pregnant etc).  I brought some from Amazon to make sure I know when the fat burning benefits are about to kick in.  See, told  you I was borderline mental.

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